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Jack Brewer πŸš€ 281

πŸ‘― January 11, 2016

The cover of Jack Brewer's new book, The Greys Have Been Framed.

Jack Brewer writes the The UFO Trail, a blog dedicated to publishing credible info on incredible topics. Brewer’s research interests include alleged alien abduction, the intelligence community, and related social dynamics. He is the author of the nonfiction book, The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community.

Here is a description of the book from Jack:

The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community explores the ways deception, sensationalism, and questionable ethics characterize the UFO genre and distort public perception of the UFO phenomenon. With interviews and insights from James Carrion, Leah Haley, Dr. Tyler Kokjohn, Simone Mendez, Carol Rainey, Emma Woods, and others, the manipulation of ufology as perpetrated by suspect individuals and the intelligence community is documented. The circumstances, existing from the very outset of the modern day UFO phenomenon, prove relevant whatever opinion one may hold on the mystery of UFOs and their alleged occupants.

Also, please check out Jack’s additional appearances on Future Theater: (3.10.14) πŸš€ (12.15.14) πŸš€ (10.12.15) πŸš€

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