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Anders Nilsson πŸš€ 236

πŸ‘― February 9, 2015

Photo of Anders Nilsson.

Do not fret! Even though we are interviewing the author of The Gentle Way of the Heart, I believe we can make the subject interesting to those nuts-and-bolts folks who want to keep real science in the picture. Have no fear and soften your hard, hard heart for tonight’s show. You will feel better for it.

Scientist Anders Nilsson, PhD has been active in academia all his adult life. And, for just as many years, Nilsson has pursued an avid interest in spirituality. He has not followed any one spiritual school or tradition, nor has he studied with a guru, but instead listened to his internal voice and intuition to guide him. He has studied both ancient mystical traditions and the teachings from more contemporary spiritual masters. This blend of spiritual knowledge, when folded together with his scientific background, has formed a unique path to spiritual awakening that combines the mind and heart.

Cover of The Gentle Way of the Heart.

Nilsson experienced a spiritual awakening in 1993 that completely changed his life and view of the world. The awakening was a result of an emotionally difficult life passage that led him to intense soul-searching, and ultimately to developing the Gentle Way of transformation. He has taught the Gentle Way in numerous workshops since 2000.

Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Nilsson finished his Master of Engineering degree at the Royal Institute of Technology in 1981 where he also participated in an international student exchange program studying his final year at the Imperial College in London. He received a PhD in Physics from Uppsala University, Sweden, in 1989 where he stayed on and became Professor in Physics in 1999. He was invited to UC Berkeley as a visiting scientist from 1994 through 1997. Then, in 2000, he became Professor of Photon Science at Stanford University. Currently, he is also Professor of Chemical Physics at Stockholm University and splits his time between Sweden and California. πŸš€

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